Was BrickShield Lego Glue on Shark Tank?

If you’re a fan of Lego and love seeing creative products pop up to improve your building experience, you may have heard about BrickShield, a Lego glue designed to help keep your creations intact. But did you know that some people mistakenly think BrickShield was featured on Shark Tank?

Well, here’s the truth: BrickShield was not featured on Shark Tank, but its competitor LeGlue was. LeGlue made its Shark Tank debut, pitching its Lego bonding solution to the Sharks.

While we didn’t make it on the show, we think it’s still worth discussing how BrickShield compares to LeGlue, especially since both products serve a similar purpose—helping Lego lovers keep their creations together longer!

For those who are curious, here’s the link to LeGlue’s Shark Tank appearance, where they made their pitch:

LeGlue on Shark Tank (YouTube)

BrickShield vs. LeGlue: A Price and Application Comparison

When it comes to Lego glue, there are a few key differences that can help you decide which product is best for your needs. Let’s take a look at the price and the application methods for BrickShield and LeGlue—two popular choices for Lego bonding.

1. Price Comparison

BrickShield is a premium product, priced to reflect its innovative design and ease of use. While it may cost a little more than LeGlue, it offers added value with its precision applicator and versatile use for Lego projects of all sizes. However, it’s worth noting that the aerosol spray format does make BrickShield more expensive to ship, as it must be sent via ground shipping due to safety regulations. This can add to the overall cost.

LeGlue is typically a more budget-friendly option, which is appealing to some Lego enthusiasts. It comes in a pouch or bag, which can be easier to store and ship than aerosol products. If you’re looking for something more affordable to bond Lego pieces together and are okay with a slightly less flexible application method, LeGlue could be a good fit.

2. Application Method: Aerosol Spray vs. Glue Pouch

One of the standout features of BrickShield is its aerosol spray application. This method allows for an even, fine mist of glue that can cover your Lego pieces without making a mess. The spray is easy to control and great for larger creations or when you want to apply glue to multiple pieces quickly. It’s also convenient for precision, as you can target specific areas without having to touch the glue directly.

The aerosol can allows for a more even application, which many users appreciate when working with complex Lego designs.

In contrast, LeGlue is applied using a traditional pouch or bag, which requires squeezing to dispense the glue. While this is a more classic approach, it can sometimes lead to excess glue on your Lego pieces. If you’re not careful, it can create a mess, especially when working with smaller or intricate parts. The direct glue application can also make it more difficult to apply precisely to certain areas, especially in tight spaces between Lego bricks.

For more information on BrickShield and to get started with your next Lego project, visit our product page here.

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